Siemens S7-1200 viide Siemens LOGO! viide Automatiseerimise viide Mehhatroonikaseadmete viide Pneumoautomaatika viide

Ülesanne: Segamissüsteem

Ülesande püstitus

Segamissüsteemi kasutatakse kahe erineva toormaterjali kokku segamiseks

Valikulüliti S2 võimaldab valida millisest silost lastakse toormaterjali segamistsisterni. Kui valikulüliti S2 on asendis A ning nuppu S0 on vajutatud, siis lastakse toormaterjali A segamistsisterni. Toormaterjali B lastakse segamistsisterni, kui valikulüliti S2 on asendis B ning nupp S0 on vajutatud.

Mõlemast silost ei tohi lasta samal ajal toormaterjali segamistsisterni. Ainult üks silo võib väljastada toormaterjali.

Nupuga S1 peatatakse toormaterjali väljastamine silodest. Nupp peab olema NS tüüpi.

Teha on vaja:

Teostada püstitatud ülesande järgi seadme juhtimine kas kontrolleri või releede baasil.

  1. Koostada pneumoskeem
  2. Koostada elektriskeem
  3. Rakendus kokku monteerida
  4. Rakendusele programm koostada
  5. Testida rakendust koos programmiga

Exercise: Mixing plant

Exercise description

The mixing plant is used for mixing goods.

The selection switch S2 allows to choose two types of goods (silos), which will be delivered into a mixing plant. At selection switch S2 position A goods in silo A are delivered to the mixing tank if button S0 has been pressed. Goods in silo B are transported likewise if selection switch S2 is at position B and button S0 has been pressed.

It is not allowed to let out goods from both silos simultaneously. Only one silo at time is delivering the goods to the mixing tank.

The dispensing process is switched-off with button S1. The button S1 is a NC type.

To do:

Make the system contro accoridng to the task, either on the PLC or relays.

  1. Draw a pneumatic scheme
  2. Draw a electrical circuit
  3. Assemble the application
  4. Write a program for the application
  5. Test the application with the program

Задание: Mixing plant

Постановка задачи

Смеситель используется для смешивания веществ.

Переключатель S2 позволяет выбрать один из двух типов веществ в смесительной установке. В позиции A переключателя S2 вещество подается из бункера А после нажатия кнопки S0. В позиции В переключателя S2 вещество подается из бункера В после нажатия кнопки S0.

Не допускается выпускать вещества одновременно из обоих бункеров.

Процесс смешивания прекращается нажатием кнопки S1. S1 является нормально-замкнутой кнопкой.

To do:

Найти аналогичное решение задачи управления при помощи реле или PLC и составить

  1. Draw a pneumatic scheme
  2. Draw a electrical circuit
  3. Assemble the application
  4. Write a program for the application
  5. Test the application with the program
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